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For strategic HR leaders to proactively lead the rapidly changing world of work.

Let’s talk about Racism: What’s HR’s role?

  • 24 Sep 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Online event


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In keeping current with world changes, please join HRSF (HR Strategy Forum, based in California) on September 24thfor an incredibly important topic: “Racism & HR’s role.” Our featured speaker is Dr. Leeno Karumanchery a renowned D&I leader. Please view one of his powerful and preliminary Ted Talks here:  Interacting with Dr. Leeno will be Dr. Lisa Toppin, D&I & Talent Management Leader currently working with Silicon Valley Bank. Lisa will conduct an interactive interview focused on Mesh Diversity and the “isms” (racism, sexism, heterosexism, …) and how HR can play a role in leading change in this critical arena.

This will be a joint meeting with our sister organization on the east coast, NYHRPS (New York HR People and Strategy). Dr. Leeno will step us through a live exercise and participating HR leaders will gain direct and valuable input on how to lead AND how others are leading.  

Our Speakers

Dr. Leeno Karumanchery
Co-Founder and Head 
Behavioural Sciences at MESH/diversity

A sociologist with 25+ years of experience in the D&I field, Dr. Leeno Karumanchery is recognized as one of North America's preeminent diversity and inclusion experts.  An author and speaker, Dr. Karumanchery is widely published in the field, he is author of Playing the Race Card (2004), Engaging Equity (2005) and the forthcoming The Color of Trauma: Understanding Race, Racism and Anti-Racism (2020).  Leeno is sought out as much for his style as a facilitator as he is for his proven track record of helping leaders drive both culture and the bottom-line.  As CoFounder and Head of Behavioural Sciences, Leeno helps build anti-Oppressive cultures where the best people want to work, will stay and can thrive.

Leeno challenges traditional patterns of thinking and perception; He critically applies context to show how people in identical circumstances can experience events very differently. Leeno explores the continuum of discrimination and chronic abuse. A sociologist with 20+ years of experience in the diversity & inclusion field, Dr. Leeno Karumanchery is an internationally recognized speaker and consultant in the areas of diversity, inclusion, emotional intelligence and communication. Dr. Karumanchery is widely published in the field. He is co-author of "Removing the Margins", "Playing the Race Card" and the forthcoming, "The Old Black Lesbian Elephant in the Room: Why Diversity Does and Doesn’t Work in Organizations". An official member of, and contributor to, the Forbes Human Resources Council, Dr. Karumanchery explores how context is everything in human communication, and how the right person, in the right position of power, at the right time, can help inspire and drive trust, safety, hope, resilience and motivation in marginalized bodies. As Chief Diversity Officer at MESH/Diversity, he is focused on supporting organizations interested in bringing Diversity Intelligence™ into the mainstream of their culture and strategic plan. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Dr. Lisa Toppin

D&I & Talent Management Leader
Silicon Valley Bank


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